
The Third Sunday after the Epiphany

Adult Forum: The Distinctive Issues of the Latin West ~While the 4th and 5th centuries wrestled with theological disputes in the East, they also saw the development of a flourishing Latin Christianity, especially in Italy, Gaul and North Africa – one that also included controversy. Who belongs to the church and on what grounds?  Is the church a pure sect of the sanctified, or is it a body that includes the weak and the flawed? What are the requirements for salvation, and what is the degree of human involvement in salvation? Join us in Saint Mary’s Chapel following the 8:00 a.m. service as we follow the story beyond the Sunday school teachings of your childhood.

Our Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Luncheon will be held today in Trimble Hall.  Thank you for your support!

Vestry Nominees: At our Annual Meeting today, we will be electing four (4) new Vestry members.  The Vestry Nominating Committee is pleased to present to you the following slate of candidates:  Kathy Argueso, Bob Ayrer, Carol Bachtell, Bill Beard, Bruce Massey, Deanna Soulis, and Jose Velazquez.  Their bios were published in January 2020 Soundings and printouts available at the Antietam Street entrance.

Ushers: Two ushers are still needed on team #7 at the 10:15 a.m. service. If you are interested, please contact Mike Mummert or the Church office.



Tickets for the Cabin Fever Party: Flannel and Frost on Friday, January 31 from 6- 9 pm are on-sale at the Antietam Street exit through today.  Tickets are $25. Windon & Ricker are providing the musical entertainment for the evening. A dinner of comfort food will be served, including ham, macaroni and cheese, green beans, salad bar and hot rolls. There will be a dessert competition, space for dancing, and a cash bar selling beverages by the glass. Proceeds raised from this event will support both Saint John’s operating fund and the REACH cold weather shelter. Contact Betty Markle or Bruce Massey for more information.

Trombone and Organ Recital, presented by James Martin and Dan Miller, Friday, February 7 at 7:00 p.m. as part of our Music at Saint John’s Series. James Martin is trombone professor at Shepherd University and Dan Miller is organist at First Baptist Church in Winchester, VA. A reception will follow the recital. Invite family, friends and neighbors to attend this free recital.

Giving Envelopes: New giving envelopes are available on the back pew in alphabetical order by last name. Please take the packet with your name on it. Use of these envelopes and numbers are helpful to the counters as well as record keeping and contribution statements. If you do not have envelopes and would like envelopes, please contact the office.

Attention Knitters and Crocheters:  If you are interested in knitting or crocheting hats, scarfs, or gloves for the REACH cold weather shelter please contact Kathy Marks at 301-791-0092 or cell 301-730-4050.

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