
The First Sunday in Lent

Adult Forum: From Roman Empire to Holy Roman Empire ~ In the second great transition in our historical survey of Christianity we move from imperial Christianity to medieval Christianity, from Roman Empire to the Holy Roman Empire.  This shift from focus in the East to focus in the West.  The Latin language replaces Greek, the pope instead of patriarchs, tribal Kings instead of emperor, etc. It was in the medieval period, roughly between the 5th and 15th centuries, that Christianity established itself across all of Europe. Join us in Saint Mary’s Chapel following the 8:00 a.m. service as we follow the story beyond the Sunday school teachings of your childhood.

Choral Composition Written by Hollis Thoms will be sung this evening at Solemn Choral Vespers by the Schola Cantorum at United Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg at 7:30 p.m. Hollis and Jacki Thoms are new members here at Saint John’s and sing in the Parish Choir. Jacki also sings in the Schola Cantorum in Gettysburg. Vespers will also include music of William Byrd, Josquin des Prez, Richard Farrant and Thomas Tallis. The program is free and the public is invited to attend.

Prayer Forum: "Knock and the door will be opened; seek and ye shall find....."  On Saturday, March 14 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in Saint Mary's Chapel, there will be an informal gathering for anyone interested in discussing the subject of PRAYER  --  an important part of our Lenten season. Bring your Bible and a bag lunch/snack. For details contact Mary Lou Brooks at (301)714-2339 or at We hope you will come and share your experiences with prayer and be led to knock at the door. There will be a sign-up sheet at the Antietam entrance.

Ushers Needed: Two ushers are needed to serve on an usher team during the 10:15 a.m. service. If you are interested, please contact Mike Mummert or the Church office.

Attention Knitters and Crocheters:  If you are interested in knitting or crocheting hats, scarfs, or gloves for the REACH cold weather shelter please contact Kathy Marks at 301-791-0092 or cell 301-730-4050. 

Pilgrimage to Great Britain: Would you like to learn more about the Anglican Heritage of the Episcopal Church? The Revs. Allan and Anne Weatherholt ( and the Rev. Steve McCarty and his wife, Melanie, are sponsoring Pilgrimage to Great Britain and Scotland October 15-23, 2020 to explore Cathedrals, see the site of the birthplace of Anglicanism and learn about our Anglican Heritage. The price is very reasonable and all-inclusive (travel, 2 meals, housing in a 3&4 star hotels, bus, guides, gratuities).  Find out all the details by going to and log in with group #20040. The trip is limited to 40 participants, so don’t delay! This will be a Pilgrimage to remember!

Micah’s Backpack Shopping List

Each “backpack” receives the following:

2- Cans of Vegetables – Corn/Green beans

2- Cans of Soup – Tomato/Chicken Noodle

      *Other types of Soups are okay

2 - Boxes of Juice – Must be 100% Juice

1 - Can of Tuna

1 - Can of Chef Boyardee

       *Spaghetti and Meatballs or Ravioli

1 - 24 oz. Can of Apple Sauce

1 - Packet of Instant Oatmeal

2 - Types of Cracker Packets

       *Peanut Butter and Crackers work well

1 - Individually Wrapped PopTart

      *Make sure a box of PopTarts is individually wrapped

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